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Karasev V.A., Luchinin V.V., Sokolov A.I.

Bio- and quantum-information technologies in nanoelectronics./ SPbGETU «LETI». SPb., 2013. 220 p.


The problems of creation and application of nanosystems within the framework of bionic and quantum-information approaches are considered. In fact, the material of the training manual can be considered as a methodological basis for the implementation of the main provisions of the program for the development of critical technologies of the Russian Federation "Nano-, Bio-, Information and Cognitive Technologies." Particular attention is paid to the material science aspect and the principles of operation of devices for bio- and quantum-information electronics.

It is intended for undergraduate and graduate students studying in the areas "Nanotechnology and microsystem technology", "Electronics and nanoelectronics", and also can be useful in the educational process of students studying in the directions "Nanomaterials", "Nanoengineering", "Biomedical Engineering", " Computer science".

Teachers, scientists, engineers and graduate students specializing in nanotechnology, quantum electronics, biomolecular engineering and computer science can use the material presented as a scientific and methodological basis for further training and interdisciplinary research and development.


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